Anne Hathaway Then and Now: The sweetest princess of Hollywood (Part 2)

Related: Anne Hathaway Then and Now: The sweetest princess of Hollywood (Part 1)

Anne Hathaway Then and Now: The sweetest princess of Hollywood (Part 2)

Not only being a princess, but Anne Hathaway was also named as the “goddess” of the family love comedy. Love & Other Drugs (2010) was a new opportunity for Anne to show off her forte and glamorous appearance. She and actor Jake Gyllenhaal had many cuddly scenes throughout the movie.

Owning a hot body, Anne did not hesitate to play hot scenes in the movie. However, up to now, she has never been completely nude on the screen and she did not have any controversial scenes either. The pure image of this Disney princess for nearly 20 years was still preserved.

Anne Hathaway Then and Now: The sweetest princess of Hollywood (Part 2)

Anne returned to her simple style when she was starting out in One Day (2011). The movie was the story of a half-love-half-friend relationship between two main characters for 20 years. Short hair did not fade the sweet and feminine of Anne which had become her symbol.

Anne Hathaway Then and Now: The sweetest princess of Hollywood (Part 2)

Anne Hathaway’s role as Black Cat in The Dark Knight Rises was also popular with the audience. In the final episode of Batman directed by Christopher Nolan, female super-theft Selina Kyle with the image of black outfits and high heels when action had left a strong impression on the screen for the past decade.

In 2013, Anne Hathaway shed her princess style to become a “prostitute” in the movie Les Miserable. Sacrificing for her passion for arts, she accepted to cut off long glamorous hair for the role.

Anne Hathaway Then and Now: The sweetest princess of Hollywood (Part 2)

Many people considered her acting in the movie was ecstasy and the highest during ten years of her career. This classic work of film director Tom Hooper brought the biggest breakthrough in Anne Hathaway’s career.

Along with good acting, the actress had an emotional excerpt when singing “I Dreamed a Dream”. This earned her the Oscar award for Best Supporting Actress, the biggest title of her career up to now.

Having all things from beauty, talent, fame, and a clean lifestyle without scandal but Anne Hathaway had many anti-fans. After the 2013 Oscars, some people attacked and said she was too arrogant and fake. The incident stemmed from a rumor that Anne was too confident when thinking she would definitely win the Oscar award. She even prepared her speech and rehearsed several times.

Anne Hathaway Then and Now: The sweetest princess of Hollywood (Part 2)

Anyway, Anne was still one of the luckiest female stars in Hollywood. Not only possessing a brilliant career with prestigious awards and blockbusters with high revenue, but she also had a full family. In 2012, she married actor-fashion designer Adam Shulman and had two children together.

After a long time in hiding to give birth, in 2017, Anne Hathaway returned to the big screen with an unpredictable role in Colossal. The movie combined traditional romance and science fiction adventure to save the world. Although the movie was not highly appreciated, the return of this princess also attracted a lot of attention.

After the re-appearance of messy hair when saving the world in the science fiction movie Colossal, Anne Hathaway returned to her previous luxurious image. In the movie about female robbers with full of female stars, Anne still shined in a very personal way with the role of beautiful star Daphne Kluger.

Besides the lovely and mischievous acting often seen in Ocean’s 8, Anne Hathaway also made many people surprised by the increasingly seductive beauty in this comeback. Anne was more and more extravagant and sharper than before.

At the age of 37, Anne Hathaway is a wife and a mother achieving mature beauty. She still keeps herself a generous smile that has become a brand. So far after nearly 20 years, the attraction from her name has not cooled down.

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